Lemon Nail Whitening

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Lemon Nail Whitening

I use lemons in my kitchen for cooking almost everyday and  I really enjoy half a lemon squeezed into my water.  Needless to say, there are juiced rinds of lemons around almost everyday and it is the best thing that ever happened to my nails.

Lemon Nail Whitening

I have never had super nice nails, I have been a gardener as a profession for 8 years now and I don’t care what soap you use, the dirt never seems to come entirely off.  Enter lemon juice, the best cleaner I have found for my hands.  I use a reamer to get the juice out for a recipe, then instead of throwing the rinds away, I keep them to clean my hands and nails after any sort of activity involving dirt.

Lemon Nail Whitening

For cases involving machine grease, I juice half a lemon, add it to baking soda and use that to scrub my whole hands.  It removes all embedded dirt and grease, leaving your hands clean and your nails white.

Just as a final note, it really stings if you happen to have any cuts and scratches on your hands but it helps disinfect them as well.  After a thorough cleaning, I like to rub coconut oil into my hands.  I have used this method over the last couple of years to repair the cracks in my fingers and prevent future ones.

2 thoughts on “Lemon Nail Whitening”

  1. I just came across your website today and I love your natural recipes. I love love lemons. I have a question. Is it safe to draw a bath soak containing 2 cups lemon juice (bottle), and or add lemon rinds for 20 mins once a week. And, I’ve been spraying lemon juice on my skin and face after I shower. The results are amazing, I am 52 and told I look like 35, now I have a big head. It is safe for my skin to use everyday. I haven’t had any adverse reactions.

    • If you haven’t had any adverse reactions it’s probably fine to use lemons in a bath, I’ve never used it myself so I really couldn’t say! It sounds like a great idea though and I’m going to try it out for myself!


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