Whenever I’ve ended up getting a bit too much sun, aloe vera is always my go-to. It’s so refreshing and hydrating, not to mention it has wonderful properties to help restore your skin.
A few years ago, I discovered the soothing nature of witch hazel on sunburns as well, and I knew I had to put these 2 together. The witch hazel thins out the aloe vera gel so it goes on easily. And I have to say the 2 together are exceptionally soothing.

I’ve actually been on a bit of an aloe vera kick lately, so this recipe is the first of a series of recipes. Next up I have a lightweight summer lotion, and finally there will be an aloe vera face mask coming.

Tips for aloe vera and witch hazel:
Try and look for an aloe vera gel that has as little additives as possible. The Lily of the Desert brand is the best I’ve been able to find where we live. If you have lots of homegrown aloe vera, by all means use that. I have a few little plants I’m hoping grown into giants someday!
For the witch hazel, the brand Humphrey’s is my favorite because it’s just pure witch hazel. Be careful when you’re looking at labels you don’t end up with a brand that has fragrances in it. I did this once, and the smell was more than I could stand.

How to use this aloe vera treatment:
Mix together 2 Tablespoons aloe vera gel and 1 Tablespoon witch hazel.
Apply the mixture to the sunburned area and let it dry on.
Continue to apply every few hours for relief until the sunburn dies down.
Another soothing recipe you may also enjoy is my Cucumber Collagen Facial Mask which is perfect for the summer months.