
Get Inspired Everyday!

Hi, my name is Kari and my husbands name is Tyler. We’re so happy you’ve found your way to Get Inspired Everyday! We hope you’ll find some inspiration with healthy recipes, outdoor travel, and clean skin care DIY recipes.

Tyler is Canadian born and I’ve lived in Montana my whole life. We now both reside in Montana, even though the immigration process when we were first married took years before we could settle down together.

During that time, we had to live on opposite sides of the border, and so we ended up spending lots of time traveling through the Rocky Mountains from Jasper, Alberta down through Montana.

Whatever adventure we might be in the middle of, food has always been the constant for us. Whether we spent the day traveling, or just playing catchup around the house, the day is going to end with some good food for sure!

Tyler & Kari standing in a waterfall in Glacier National Park
Food Tittle

You’ll find all sorts of easy gluten free real food recipes here on the blog. Most of my recipes are also Paleo friendly, with lots of Whole30 inspiration as well. We focus on easy dinners, but you’ll find plenty of snacks, healthy treats, side dishes, and breakfast recipes too. We also have a large section of meal prep recipes that help us stay on track with healthy veggie filled eating, and we hope this resource will help you as well.

Travel Tittle
Kari taking a photo of a Glacier in Iceland

On the travel section you’ll find lots of outdoor travel, especially in National Parks. We live minutes from Glacier National Park, and so we hope to inspire you to get out and explore as well. Even when we travel overseas, you’ll still find us in the mountains. So we hope you’ll enjoy the stunning views as well as handy tips for planning your next trip! Finally, the newest thing you’ll find here are some backcountry and camp cooking tips.

Lifestyle Tittle
Homemade Lavender Lip Balm

Over in the lifestyle part of the blog, you’ll find mainly DIY recipes for clean skin care. There’s everything from easy sugar scrubs, face masks, homemade body wash, lip balms, to tutorials for how to do an at home facial like you’d find in a spa. You’ll also find some how-to’s for meal prepping from seasonal inspiration, to how to meal prep snacks. These go hand in hand with the meal prepping recipes in the food section. 

Farmer's Market Abundance

Our Food Philosophy…

We often get asked what kind of ‘diet’ we follow? And the answer is we focus on as many veggies as possible with real food. If you had to put a label on it, we eat mostly Paleo, which we’ve taken to calling Paleo-ish!

One of the great things about the Paleo diet is the focus on real food with no processed ingredients. However we’re both beyond fond of cheese which isn’t in the Paleo lineup, and so we just call our diet ‘veggie focused’.

It can be hard to ‘know how to eat’ in this day and age with so much confusion. But one thing we started noticing as a theme is any expert you hear talking about different diets all agree on 1 thing… and you guessed it – we should all be eating more veggies!

We try to support our local farmers with their amazing produce for a few reasons. One reason is that local produce tastes so much better, and it then becomes easy to eat more veggies. Then there are the ‘local’ and ‘sustainability’ aspects that we love. And finally, when you’re acquainted with the farmer you’re buying from, you know more about exactly how your food was grown!

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take our recipes with you wherever you go!

Easy Gluten Free Summer Cheese Board | Get Inspired Everyday!
Pesto Pasta Salad on top of the world | Get Inspired Everyday!
Paleo Honey Mustard Trail Mix | Get Inspired Everyday!

Thanks so much for stopping by…

… and we hope you’ll leave us a comment below! Whether you’re looking for recipe inspiration for your everyday life, or for food on-the-go, we hope you’ll find what you’re looking for. Most days we’re making these recipes for a regular ‘Tuesday night dinner’, but these recipes also come with us on our weekend adventures and travels as well. Pictured above there’s my Easy Gluten Free Summer Cheese Board taken along as a picnic. Next in line is my Grilled Summer Veggie Pesto Pasta Salad on a mountain top with some cute ‘wildlife’ trying to steal some. And finally there’s my Paleo Honey Mustard Trail Mix being enjoyed as a snack while we sat on the shores of the Lake of Hanging Glaciers. So I hope you’ll find some new favorite recipes for all aspects of you life as well!

118 thoughts on “About”

  1. Looking for a broccoli salad with avocado dressing brought me to this site. Reading all the comments perked my interest.

      • Recipes look good, tried to print Thai Slaw and print type was too light to come through. May just be my printer but thought I’d ask if you could go darker next time! Thanks

      • Thanks so much for letting me know, I’ve never had that problem, but I’ll look into it to see what’s going on. I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying the recipes!

    • I pin a lot from Pinterest and I make a lot of the things I find, but I rarely leave comments. I haven’t tried any of your recipes yet, but I have to tell you that I couldn’t stop reading your posts as every recipe sounded so good and I kept looking at more and more of them and pinning more and more of them and can’t wait to try them. Your recipes sound delicious and healthy and are easy to understand. Your photography is stunning and makes me want to try everything I’ve seen! I don’t follow anyone, but if I figure out how to, I’m going to follow you on pinterest.

      • Thank you so much for your incredibly nice comment, and I hope you find some new favorites in my recipes! Let me know if I can be of help in any way, if you want to follow on Pinterest you click the follow button that’s above the persons profile picture. You can also sign up for emails from the website, and we’re on Instagram and Facebook as well where we post extra pics along with updates about new recipes on the website. Let me know if you have any questions!

  2. omg your cajuin sweet potatoe recipe was so unbelievable I’m trying to lose weight and eat healthy and your recipes make it so easy. thanks Gwyn

    • Thanks so much Gwyn, and I’m so glad you enjoyed them! I try to keep my recipes as easy as possible so it’s great to hear that you’ve found them easy to make. 🙂

    • I’m so glad to hear you’ve been enjoying the recipes! The ice creams have been so popular that I’m working on a Ice Cream E-Book right now which should be out soon. I just thought I’d let you know in case you’re a fellow ice cream fanatic! 🙂

  3. Hi Kari!!, Imagine my surprise as I was looking for a coconut Ice Cream and found a home town girl!! I am from Kalispell also and I am for sure to try this out. Supporting a home town girl for sure. I recently just moved down here to Texas and still missing home quite a bit. My dog Jake misses his big back yard to. I have made a few friends down here and would love to have them check this out as well. I miss huckleberry picking and THE MOUNTAINS!!! Flathead lake, and all my friends and family. I am so excited to have found you!!! Good luck to you and the Hubby and GO GRIZ!!! LOL

    • I’m so glad you found us! Texas must be quite a change, definitely no huckleberries in those parts, and I can’t imagine living without mountains. I hope you enjoy the ice cream, my personal favorite (and my husbands’ favorite) is the Coconut Lime Ice Cream. I’m working on a dairy free ice cream book right now, and hope to have it out in the next couple of weeks, (I thought you might like to know, in case you’re dairy free).

  4. Tyler just told me about your site! This is wonderful. I am trying to eat healthy also so I will be trying some of your recipes. I am doing weightwatchers so I will be figuring out the points. Thanks for the work you are doing and sharing this with everyone!

  5. Hello. I’m new to your site, but, have found it fascinating.
    I live in Anchorage, Alaska and hope you get to see it’s beauty and maybe some of it’s tasty foods.
    4 yrs ago I made the decision to change my life style and weight. In that time, I’ve lost over 100#, but, my goal still requires another 10 #.
    I was introduced to Thrive Life, flash frozen/freeze dried foods, by a friend, and since then, I have begun buying and selling it, to help me in cooking quickly and eating healthy. I am eager to try some of my products with your recipes.
    Thank you so much for all you share.

    • Congratulations on loosing 100 pounds, that’s incredible! I hope to visit Alaska someday too, I love fresh seafood and the outdoors, so it seems like an ideal place to visit!

  6. Hi, and thanks for the great blog. I found some recipes I will give a go soon, and I’m using one of the facials as soon as I’m done typing this. Then I noticed you are local (what are the odds??) Welcome to the Flathead! I’m in Kalispell too, and just love the area…one of the last best places! Thanks again for the ideas, Neighbor! SJ

    • It really is a small world, I mean what are the odds you’d stumble across our blog and we live in the same area!?! I hope you enjoy the recipes and be sure to let me know how it goes!

  7. I bumped into your website when looking for a crockpot applesauce recipe. My interest was immediately spiked when I saw that you live in the Flathead Valley. I grew up in San Diego, but every summer we traveled up to my Great Grandparent’s log cabin in Montana, just across the Flathead River from Glacier Park. The closest town was Columbia Falls, and occasionally we went to the big city, Kalispell. Another thing, we also traveled each summer to Calgary to see my grandfather’s sister’s family! We lost the cabin in a flood in the late 60’s and since then, my family sold the property, but I have extremely fond memories of my childhood years there. Picking wild berries, bathing in the river, fishing for trout and frying them for breakfast and a million other things.

    I haven’t had a chance to thoroughly look over your website, but so far it looks really interesting. I WILL be back when I have more time (after I get those apples in the crockpot!)

    • It’s such an amazingly small world, our lives sound like there’s so many parallels! That’s too bad about your Grandparent’s cabin, I know a lot of homes around here were lost. When my husband and I started looking for houses in Kalispell there were a lot of them with damage from that flood but we found a great place that was one of the only ones not affected. My dad always told my sister and I stories when we were growing up about how they paddled down the streets of Kalispell in canoes during that flood. I hope you enjoy the recipes, and be sure to let me know how the crockpot applesauce goes!

  8. I was looking at a weekly email from Paleo Grubs since finding a need to go paleo in my diet and was delighted to be directed to your site. I wasn’t sure where it was. So congrats to you for your success! I am going to enjoy your mushrooms.

    • I’m so glad you found us, and I hope you enjoy the mushrooms! We have a lot of Paleo and grain free recipes so I hope it helps you transition to a Paleo diet. Let me know if you have any questions, I’d be glad to help if I can!


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